Current activities:
- Online seminar on motives and period integrals in Quantum field theory and String theory
- Séminaires Itzykson : Colloquium mathématiques et physique de la fondation Hadamard
- Prix Cosmos du livre de vulgarisation scientifique
Research interests:
My research work is devoted to the understanding of Gravity using string theory, quantum field theory, and advanced mathematics.
Я — физик-теоретик. По-настоящему меня интересуют только неразгаданные явления. В этом и состоит моя работа. Л. Д. Ландау
- Putting a period on mathematical physics an article by Ursula Whitcher for the AMS Mathematical Reviews with an ccount of my calculation of the sunset Feynman integral with Spencer Bloch
- Des algorithmes efficaces calculent les amplitudes de diffusion english version
- Gravity shows a very suprising relations to gauge theory théorie des cordes et théorie de jauge Superstring theory useful for experimental physics
- For the 100th anniversary of Einstein’s celebrated determination of the bending of star light by the Sun, we have determined some universal quantum corrections to Einstein’s result Quantum Bending of Light dansk english N=8 supergravity
- Quantum gravity connects to advanced modern mathematics What are applications of number theory in physics?