International conferences and Schools
2023: Célébration des 60 ans de l’Institut de Physique Théorique
2022: Special Session on Mathematical Physics of Gravity, Geometry, QFTs, Feynman and Stochastic Integrals, Quantum/Classical Number Theory, Algebra, and Topology of AMS-SMF-EMS Joint International Meeting Université de Grenoble-Alpes, Grenoble, France
2021: Gravitational scattering, inspiral, and radiation at the Galileo Galilei Institute, Florence, Italy
2020: Paris Winter Workshop: The Infrared in QFT
2019: Workshop on multi-loop calculations (methods and applications) , Paris, France
2018: Cargèse school: Quantum Gravity, Strings and Fields
2017: Qu’est-ce que la gravité? Orme des merisiers, CEA-Saclay
2017: String Theory and Scattering Amplitudes , SCGP, Stony Brook
2016: Random Geometry and Physics, Second French-Russian Scientific conference , IHP, Paris
2014: 19th Itzykson Conference Amplitudes 2014, a Claude Itzykson memorial conference
2014: Automorphic forms, Lie algebra and String theory , March 3-6 2014, Lille
2013: 18th Itzykson Conference Frontiers of String Theory
2012: Amplitudes and Periods , IHÉS
2012: Cargèse school : Gauge Theory and String Theory
2010: Cargèse school : String Theory: Formal Developments and Applications
2010: IHÉS/IPhT meeting at the Marylin and James Simons conference center at IHÉS
2009: The Twelfth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity (String Theory session )
2009: The 14th Itzykson Conference on Recent Advances in String Theory
2009: Strings @ IHÉS
2008: Cargèse school : Theory and Particle Physics: the LHC perspective and beyond
2008: Wonders of Gauge theory and Supergravity
2007: Les Houches summer school String theory and the Real World: From particle physics to astrophysics
2006: Cargèse school: Strings and Branes : The present paradigm for gauge interactions and cosmology
2005: Workshop on Pure Spinors in Superstring theory at IHÉS
2004: String 2004 conference at Collège de France
2003: Les Houches Winter School Frontiers in Number Theory, Physics and Geometry
Research Seminars