- My articles on inSPIRE HEP
- My articles on arXiv
- My articles on Google Scholar profile
Rapport divers
- 12/07/2023 : Chapitre ‹‹ Lois fondamentales de l’univers ›› du rapport de Prospective scientifique de l’Institut de physique
- 2009 : Rapport sur la sûreté du Large Hadron Collider commandé par l’Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire
Articles that are not accesible online
Conference proceedings
- Picard-Fuchs Equations of Twisted Differential forms associated to Feynman Integrals the proceedings of the conference Regulators V, 3-13 juin 2024 Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa, Italy
Differential equations and Motives of Feynman integrals notes for the lectures given at the ICTP School on Number Theory and Physics 17 Jun 2024 – 21 Jun 2024
- The symphony of gravity contribution to the Séminaire Poincaré on Quantum gravity at IHP
- An S-matrix approach to gravitational-wave physics published as Phil.Trans. R. Soc. A380: 20210181
- Differential Equations for Feynman Integrals published as ISSAC ‘21: Proceedings of the 2021 on International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
- Symétries de dualité et formes automorphes en théorie des cordes Texte à paraitre dans le volume 6 des Leçons de mathématique et d’informatique d’Aujourdhui
- The physics of quantum gravity published as Comptes Rendus Physique Volume 15, Issue 6, June–July 2014, Pages 547-552
- Monodromies and the structure of gauge and gravity amplitudes Contribution to the proceedings of the 35th ICHEP conference, 22-28 July 2010, Paris.
- Simplicity of Amplitudes in Gravity and Yang-Mills Theories contributions to the proceedings of the Workshop on Continuum and Lattice Approaches to Quantum Gravity written with N.E.J Bjerrum-Bohr
- Localized (super)gravity proceeding contributions written with I. Antoniadis on the topic of localisation of gravity in string theory
Lectures notes and Reviews
- Symétries de dualité et formes automorphes en théorie des cordes Leçon de mathématique et d’informatique d’Aujourd’hui donnée à l’université de Bordeaux le 9 mars 2017. Vidéos: Partie 1/5 - Partie 2/5 - Partie 3/5 - Partie 4/5 - Partie 5/5
- A short introduction to String theory A short introduction to String theory Notes of a lecture given at the school 1st Summer School of ITN: Unification in the LHC Era, 4 - 15 Septembre 2011, Corfu, Greece.
- Non-renormalisation theorems in Superstring and Supergravity Theories Notes of Lectures given at various places in 2007 including at the Les Houches school String Theory and the Real World From particle physics to astrophysics. This text is based on my habilitation thesis (in french) granted on October, 26 2007 by the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI).
- Methods in M-theory Lectures notes on M-theory, loop computations in eleven dimensions, BPS protected amplitudes in string theory and Matrix models given in December 1999 at the iPhT of Saclay (France)
- Au bout de la corde… la théorie M My PhD thesis dissertation in French defended on at the Ecole Polytechnique (France).
Undergraduate period
- If it’s not Dark, it doesn’t Matter Report in english about some work on the WIMPs experiment done at the CfPA of Berkeley under the supervision of Prof. B. Sadoulet.
- L’effet Hall Quantifié Bibliographical work on the quantum Hall effect done with Frank Ferrari.
- Étude du comportement chaotique d’un laser à fibre Report on an experimental work on the chaotic behaviour of fibre laser. With an analysis of the topological nature of the attractor with knot theory. Work done at the LSE of Lille in the laboratory of Prof. P. Glorieux. Related to this work Marc Lefranc has written a book The Topology of Chaos: Alice in Stretch and Squeezeland where they detail the “[t]opological analysis is about extracting from chaotic data the topological signatures that determine the stretching and squeezing mechanisms which act on flows in phase space and are responsible for generating chaotic behavior.”